Andalusian gazpacho

Andalusian gazpacho

  Ingredients for 6 servings 300 g of diced stale bread 1.5 kg of ripe round tomatoes 6 spoonful of extra virgin olive oil 2 or 3 cloves of garlic 1/2 kg of cucmbers 1 onion 3 green peppers 1 litre of fresh water salt red wine vinegar   For garnishing: 2 diced ripe tomatoes

Indian cuisine, well-balanced flavours

Indian cuisine, well-balanced flavours

Ayurveda, one of the most ancient types of folk medicine, includes a theory on nutrition based on six fundamental flavours and three kinds of individual temperaments. The six flavours are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent; the three types of dosha are Vata, Pitta and Kapha (or a combination of these) and are generated

Corn soup

Corn soup

Ingredients for the corn soup, 2 servings 1 cob 250 ml of coconut milk 150 ml of vegetable broth 1 clove of garlic 1 small onion salt and pepper extra virgin olive oil aromatic herbs Preparation Heat the grill. Clean the cob and grill it over a medium heat for about 10 minutes. Cool it

Guacamole (Mexican avocado sauce)

Guacamole (Mexican avocado sauce)

Ingredients to prepare guacamole for 4/6 servings 1 ripe avocado 1 spoonful of lemon juice a piece of fresh hot chili pepper half a clove of garlic a piece of onion or shallot whole salt to taste     Preparation Peel the avocado and remove the kernel. Blend the avocado pulp with all the ingredients

Tomato soup with bread

Tomato soup with bread

La pappa al pomodoro è una ricetta della tradizione toscana. Perfetta d’estate come modo per riutilizzare il pane raffermo.

Spiral vegetable tart

Spiral vegetable tart

Ingredients for the spiral vegetable tart 1 roll of pate brisee (shortcrust pastry) 1 big aubergine 1 big courgette 1 red pepper 2 carrots 3 spoonful mustard 1 egg 100 ml of vegetable double cream salt and pepper materials: 1 baking pan (24 cm)     Preparation Preheat the oven to 180°C. Wash the vegetables,

Summer pesto

Summer pesto

Il pesto estivo è un condimento per la pasta veloce da preparare. Ottimo anche per le bruschette.