Tomato soup with bread

La pappa al pomodoro è una ricetta della tradizione toscana. Perfetta d’estate come modo per riutilizzare il pane raffermo.




about 300 g of stale Tuscan bread

500 g of Tuscan tomatoes



1 litre of vegetable broth

salt and pepper

extra virgin olive oil


pappa al pomodoro


Wash and peel tomatoes, passing the back of the knife on the skin before peeling them.

Remove seeds and cut tomatoes to small cubes.
Add oil, two cloves of garlic and basil in a pot and sauté until the garlic browns, avoiding to burning it.

Add tomatoes and cook at medium heat for some minutes.
Cut the bread to pieces and reconstitute it with the vegetable broth. Squeeze it and add tomatoes.

Keep cooking for about 20 minutes at low heat, until the bread melt, so that the tomato soup with bread is dense enough. If the soup is too dense, then add some broth.

Let it rest and serve cold.


pappa al pomodoro

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