Courgette cheesecake

La cheesecake di zucchine è un piatto freddo, semplice da preparare.



100 g of breadsticks or crackers

5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

500 g of fresh ricotta


1 courgette

6 courgette flowers

cheesecake zucchine

Finely grind breadsticks or crackers, add 4 tablespoons of oil and mix together the two ingredients to make the base for cheesecake.
Cover the base of the openable round baking pan with bakery paper and crush the mixture with a spoon in order to obtain a solid base.
Let rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Wash and mince basil. Mix basil and fresh ricotta and add a tablespoon of oil until you get a creamy mixture.
Pour ricotta on the cheesecake base and let it rest in the fridge for an hour.

Meanwhile, wash and clean courgettes and courgettes flowers. Cut courgettes and brown courgettes flower for some minutes.

Add courgettes flowers and courgettes and serve courgette cheesecake cold.

cheesecake zucchine

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