DIY beauty treatments with apples and other autumnal fruits

DIY beauty treatments with apples and other autumnal fruits

It is advisable to take care of yourselves in autumn in order to take advantage of the beneficial properties of some seasonal fruits, such as apples and grapes; moreover, you can prepare your body to deal with cold with specific treatments, including nourishing your face and hand skin with natural products. Let’s start to take

Thanks to high-touch parenting, your infant will be an independent adult

Thanks to high-touch parenting, your infant will be an independent adult

Lucky and unconditionally loved or spoiled and pampered children. This is how the kids raised with “high-touch” parenting methods are usually defined, depending on the points of view. This type of parenting style usually but not necessarily involves breastfeeding on demand, baby-wearing, self-weaning, co-sleeping .   More generally, this is an educational choice that aims