French students simulate COP21 by making the oceans talk
Students from all over the world simulated the COP21 conference in a theatre, giving voice to those who won’t have one at the real summit.
Students from all over the world simulated the COP21 conference in a theatre, giving voice to those who won’t have one at the real summit.
On 7 and 8 June 2015 Schloss Elmau, Germany, will be hosting the G7 summit. The group of the seven world’s leader economies, the seven most industrialised countries, includes Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States and Canada. Their heads of state annually gather to discuss the themes that characterised the previous
Tra le aziende partner della conferenza mondiale sul clima Cop21 figurano multinazionali che inquinano e investono in energie fossili. Insorgono le associazioni.
I cuochi promotori chiedono ai ristoranti di fare la loro parte per difendere l’ambiente, con una cucina che privilegi le produzioni locali e di stagione.
A joint report of Oxfam and Les Amis de la Terre accuses France of being “hypocrite: it talks about climate and then it pollutes the Planet by burning coal”.
Always more frequently we hear about the climate change conference that will take place in Paris this year. Here’s a guide on what it is and why it is that important.
900 citizens and Urgenda take the Dutch government to court: “It is not taking action for combating climate change, and it violates fundamental human rights.”
The Guardian has always been in the front line of environment news coverage. Its Director Alan Rusbridger revealed in an editorial that every month 4 million users inform themselves about the Earth’s health on Guardian’s website. Our planet’s illness is caused by climate change and it is the core problem. For this reason, one
Paris is the capital that is leading the way in climate action in 2015. In anticipation of the UN climate change conference, the Eiffel Tower, one of France’s iconic monuments, has been restructured after 126 years, becoming more sustainable thanks to the installation of 2 vertical axis wind turbines that produce renewable energy. The tower was built for
Il presidente colombiano ha annunciato l’intenzione di creare la più grande area protetta del mondo che si estenderà dall’Oceano Atlantico alle Ande.