China and the US make a deal on the reduction of CO2 emissions

China and the US make a deal on the reduction of CO2 emissions

China and United States, the two countries that emit the largest amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere worldwide reached an agreement to reduce CO2 emissions and fight climate change. They declared this during a joint press release of Chinese president Xi Jinping and US president Barack Obama held on 12th November, at the end

Leonardo DiCaprio has been named U.N. Messenger of Peace for climate

Leonardo DiCaprio has been named U.N. Messenger of Peace for climate

The US actor Leonardo DiCaprio, 39, has been named a United Nations Messenger of Peace, with the aim to raise global awareness on climate change. The decision has been announced on Tuesday by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The first official appointment as messenger is the 23rd of September, when DiCaprio will speak during the

Australian photographer shows us the “scared scientists”

Australian photographer shows us the “scared scientists”

Data, graphs, figures, statistics. When scientists are asked to tell what they think about the ongoing climate change, their answers can’t exclude overviews of researches and diagrams showing percentages.   Nick Bowers, Australian photographer, wanted to leave aside “cold” data, in order to catch scientists’ emotions, thoughts and concerns through a black-and-white photography series.  

The video of a family of polar bears looking for sea ice

The video of a family of polar bears looking for sea ice

Polar bears need sea ice to survive. To find it, they can swim hundreds of kilometres. However, over the last few years, this research has become harder and harder due to melting ice, one of the effects of climate change due to global warming. In the video called Polar bears – The quest for sea ice a

Climate: here is what will disappear from the United States

Climate: here is what will disappear from the United States

According to a report published by the Union of Concerned Scientists, more than two dozen historical sites in the U.S. are likely to disappear due to severe natural disasters including floods, drought and fires caused by climate change.   From the Statue of Liberty to Jamestown, the first English settlement in Virginia, from Boston’s historic districts to

Climate and olive oil: here is what is going to happen

Climate and olive oil: here is what is going to happen

For the civilizations developed along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, olive trees have played a central role through history. All along, the beauty and richness of its fruits have been inspiring a number of legends that celebrate its divine origin. Zeus’ sacred wood was a grove of olive trees with whose twigs were created

Say farewell to the Statue of Liberty (and to a fifth of UNESCO sites)

Say farewell to the Statue of Liberty (and to a fifth of UNESCO sites)

Who doesn’t remember the disaster film by Roland Emmerich, The day after tomorrow (2004), in which New York is submerged by water and ice because of crazy weather? The fantastic images of the big screen may be replaced in a few decades by real pictures.   Actually, according to a joint study of the University of Innsbruck