Glaciers melt three times faster than last century
A rivelarlo è uno studio dell’università di Zurigo, che ha analizzato alcune centinaia di ghiacciai sparsi sul globo terrestre.
A rivelarlo è uno studio dell’università di Zurigo, che ha analizzato alcune centinaia di ghiacciai sparsi sul globo terrestre.
Thanks to shifting winds and ocean currents, maybe caused by climated change, Galapagos penguins rebound.
None of them is directly involved in coal, oil, or natural gas, but the multinationals embracing the call of the US President Barack Obama to actively commit against climate change are the world’s most influential, with a total turnover of 1,300 billion dollars in 2014 alone. 13 companies, including Apple, Google, General Motors, and Bank
The scientists of the Carbon Engineering are working to perfect a new technology able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and turn it into fuel.
“I’ve been a businessman for almost 50 years. It’s as difficult for me to say those words as it is for someone to admit being an alcoholic or a lawyer”. This is the very beginning of Yvon Chouinard’s biography, founder of the outdoor apparel brand Patagonia. The occasion to meet him was the launch of
“La distruzione del nostro pianeta continua ad un ritmo che non possiamo più permetterci di ignorare”, ha dichiarato l’attore.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) will be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December in Paris. It will represent an important opportunity for international debate, aiming to establish agreements between countries to limit and reduce CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and fight climate change (for further information read: What is COP21 and why it is
Secondo una ricerca il riscaldamento globale sta rendendo inadatte alla vita dei bombi le regioni più meridionali del loro abituale areale.
What is the main cause of global warming? 14.5 per cent of total CO2 emissions are generated by farm animals and dairies. Though it could seem a reasonable figure, it’s more than the CO2 emitted by all cars, trucks, ships and airplanes together, on the whole planet. These data are shown in the video Do you have
A causa del riscaldamento globale molti rettili il cui sesso è determinato dalla temperatura cui sono sottoposte le uova rischiano di estinguersi.