Climate Change Conference

Climate: the date of the end of the world has been revealed

Scientists say it over and over again. In order to combat climate change and keep the average temperature increase below 2°C, CO2 emissions have to significantly be reduced. We have to do it right now, because the more we wait the more drastic and expensive the emissions reduction will be, therefore difficult to be realised.

Scientists say it over and over again. In order to combat climate change and keep the average temperature increase below 2°C, CO2 emissions have to significantly be reduced. We have to do it right now, because the more we wait the more drastic and expensive the emissions reduction will be, therefore difficult to be realised.


On 13 April 2014, the report by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on the mitigation of climate change has been published. The study has been realised thanks to 6 years of labours and the projection of 1,200 possible scenarios. It was written with the contribution of 1,250 experts and approved by 194 countries. The report outlines measures and timing that governments and institution should follow in order to immediately reduce CO2 emissions and to avoid irreversible climate disasters.

We grow too fast and too much

Economic and population growth are two of the main causes of the increase in emissions. Between 1970 and 2010 the disproportionate use of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, contributed to CO2 to rise by 78%. From 1750 to date, nearly the half of man-produced CO2 has been emitted only over 23 years, out of 40.


If countries don’t act immediately to reverse the trend, the IPCC forecasts retract every promise to maintain the temperature rise below 2°C made by the international community in 2009 at the Copenhagen climate change conference. By 2100, an increase between 3.7 to 4.8°C will be registered, compared to the preindustrial period. To maintain the agreement, governments must stabilise CO2 concentration below 450 parts-per-million (ppm).


We have currently reached 400 ppm. This means that CO2 emissions have to be cut by 40 to 70% every year by 2050. To achieve it, countries have to act within the next 16 years, by 2030, since it takes time to obtain a CO2 concentration decrease.


What we have to do to save us

Solutions are always the same; the only thing to do is to implement them: stopping financing energies from fossil fuels and starting investing in clean energies, such as renewable sources. Increasing the efficiency and cutting wastes. Moreover, finding an agreement to be signed during the UN climate change conference in Paris in 2015 (COP21). This transition will cost to the global economy only 0.06% on a growth rate between 1.6 and 3% per year.


On the contrary, a lack of action would lead to an exponential increase in the world economy costs, and, most important, to the unpredictability of nature.

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