Brazil to cut CO2 emissions by 37% by 2025
The government pledged to reduce emissions and for this reason Brazil is the first major developing country to adopt such measures to tackle global warming.
The government pledged to reduce emissions and for this reason Brazil is the first major developing country to adopt such measures to tackle global warming.
According to the environmental NGO Greenpeace it is possible phasing out fossil fuels by 2050, without economic barriers.
In 40 years, the Arctic will run out of ice during summer months, as proven by the lowest icecap winter extension ever registered by satellites last March. It is a phenomenon involving half of the Arctic ice. These are some of the effects caused by the on-going climate change, documented by WWF in
Two preparatory meetings have been held in Bonn and Paris in view of the COP21: governments found common ground, but problems remain unsolved.
The Planet’s trees drew particular attention on the occasion of the climate change conference held in Paris (COP21), which was aimed to reach a new binding deal against global warming. Trees, in fact, are our best allies in reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Particularly surprising news comes from a study led by Thomas Crowther at
In vista della Cop 21 di dicembre decine di Stati hanno svelato i propri obiettivi di riduzione della CO2: secondo i climatologi non basteranno.
Drawn up by the representatives of the Islamic world, the Declaration invites people to protect “the earth’s fine equilibrium”.
Il simposio riunito lo scorso martedì a Istanbul chiede ai 1,6 miliardi di musulmani di ridurre le proprie emissioni climalteranti per proteggere il fragile equilibrio del pianeta.
A rivelarlo è uno studio dell’università di Zurigo, che ha analizzato alcune centinaia di ghiacciai sparsi sul globo terrestre.
None of them is directly involved in coal, oil, or natural gas, but the multinationals embracing the call of the US President Barack Obama to actively commit against climate change are the world’s most influential, with a total turnover of 1,300 billion dollars in 2014 alone. 13 companies, including Apple, Google, General Motors, and Bank