When breast milk is junk food
The Brazilian campaign on the dangerousness of junk food during breastfeeding went around the world. Discover what it claims.
The Brazilian campaign on the dangerousness of junk food during breastfeeding went around the world. Discover what it claims.
When the Amazon was going through one of its toughest moments due to deforestation – in 2008 – Norway, one of the world’s main oil producers and forests protectors at the same time, decided to support Brazil’s government in fighting deforestation, by pledging 1 million dollars if it could curb the trend. Seven
The collapse in coal prices is real. The “Isaac Plains” coking coal mine in Australia, valued at 860 Australian dollars (about $631 million) three years ago has been sold for $1. According to Bloomberg, the Brazilian mining group Vale SA and Japan’s Sumitomo Corp. offloaded the “Isaac Plains” mine for just $1, selling it to
Bows and arrows and technology. The indigenous Ka’apor tribe has decided to act to stop illegal logging in the Amazon forest.
The Planet’s trees drew particular attention on the occasion of the climate change conference held in Paris (COP21), which was aimed to reach a new binding deal against global warming. Trees, in fact, are our best allies in reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Particularly surprising news comes from a study led by Thomas Crowther at
In just 35 years it’s estimated that 6 billion people, the equivalent of the world’s entire population in the year 2000, will live in cities. With three quarters of humanity living in urban areas – the largest migration in human history – there will undoubtedly be major stress points. During this time, we’ll have to reimagine
Brazil has taken and is still taking big steps to contain illegal logging and save the Amazon, one of the Earth’s most important natural areas. Deforestation rates dropped by nearly 80% over 8 years, passing from an average of 27,000 square kilometres in 2004 to 5,000 in 2012. A significant result achieved thanks to laws
According to a new study, the conservation of the Brazilian Amazon reduces the incidence of some diseases.
Within Milan’s global exhibition, there’s a place exclusively dedicated to organic farming and (agricultural but even non agricultural) biodiversity. It is called Biodiversity Park and it is an area of 8,500 square metres realised by BolognaFiere to highlight the importance of biological diversity as a universal precious thing we must protect everywhere in the world, in Italy
Few and simple rules to get fit in the summer with the help of the wide range of products that nature provides us.