Gloria Capitan fought against coal. She was shot in the Philippines
Environmental activist Gloria Capitan opposed the construction of coal stockpile facilities. She was shot in a bar in the province of Bataan on 4 July.
Environmental activist Gloria Capitan opposed the construction of coal stockpile facilities. She was shot in a bar in the province of Bataan on 4 July.
Juma couldn’t bear being kept in a cage and being subjected to humiliations and deprivation, but this led her to face death. Juma was a female jaguar (Panthera onca), America’s largest feline threatened with extinction mainly because of deforestation, poaching and human-wildlife conflicts. Why Juma was killed Juma was used – chained up – in
Attacks on indigenous people by armed gunmen working for ranchers continue: a slow genocide, the result of the occupation of indigenous ancestral lands.
Minori sfruttati da aziende locali e multinazionali del tabacco, con il beneplacito del governo. La denuncia di Human rights watch.
Alle Olimpiadi di Rio ci sarà, per la prima volta, una squadra composta da dieci rifugiati. Così i giochi olimpici brasiliani sono già entrati nella storia.
Protected areas to safeguard the Kawahiva people – one of the uncontacted indigenous tribes of Brazil’s Mato Grosso state – from the risk of extinction. These will be created according to a decree issued last month by Brazil’s recently appointed Minister of Justice Eugênio Aragão. Survival International’s campaign This decision came after months of campaigning
Freddy the tortoise lost most of its shell in a fire and a team of researchers gave it a new 3D-printed one.
Survival International, a global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has denounced mercury poisoning in Latin America in a letter to the UN Special Rapporteur for Health. The organisation highlights Venezuela, Peru and Brazil as countries that don’t comply with procedures to monitor the effects of mining on the environment. Mercury contamination, which commonly follows illegal
Brazilian lower house has voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, accused of fixing public accounts to be re-elected. 367 lawmakers voted in favour of the proposal, 137 voted against, while a handful abstained. The impeachment motion will next go to the country’s Senate. After last night’s vote many already take for granted that Rousseff will be
The history of energy in Brazil: “the oil is ours” Brazil drilled its first oil well in 1897 in Bofete City and in 1953 the oil and gas giant Petrobras was founded under the slogan “o petróleo é nosso” (the oil is ours). Over the years, Brazil diversified its energy matrix. Starting from the 1940s