Brazil, a tapir is born in the Atlantic Forest for the first time in over a century
The tapir was reintroduced into Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, the country’s most at-risk ecosystem. The species can play a key role in the forest’s recovery.
The tapir was reintroduced into Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, the country’s most at-risk ecosystem. The species can play a key role in the forest’s recovery.
There are more than 5,000 communities around the world commonly defined as “indigenous”. The UN celebrates this diversity as a world heritage that must be preserved.
The voices of native Brazilians outside the Amazon are rarely heard. We speak to Lucca Messer, whose documentary on the Piaçaguera indigenous portrays their plight – then and now.
Jair Bolsonaro is preparing to lead Brazil after his electoral triumph. We ask who he is, how he made his political career and what we can expect from his presidency.
A great Amazon reforestation project has been agreed in Brazil, the largest in history. Will it endure the victory of Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right politics in the presidential election?
One Like, one square meter of forest protected. This is the commitment of Italian paper manufacturer Favini in occasion of Earth Day.
Agriculture and climate change are deeply intertwined. The effects of global warming on food supply are dire, whilst world population is increasing. It’s time to change the way agriculture affects the environment, and vice versa.
The global gender gap or index has widened, the 2017 World Economic Forum report shows. In view of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we analyse how these phenomena are sadly related.
Around ten members of an uncontacted indigenous tribe, one that has had no peaceful contact with mainstream society, have been killed by illegal gold miners in the Brazilian Amazon. The alleged attack took place last month along the Jandiatuba River, close to the border with Peru and Colombia. The crime came to light after the perpetrators were overheard in
Delfini, uccelli, mammiferi: sono 381 le nuove specie animali e vegetali scoperte in Amazzonia tra 2014 e 2015. La gallery