Madrid bans circuses with wild animals
Il comune di Madrid ha finalmente deciso di vietare gli spettacoli di circo “con esibizione di animali selvatici”.
Il comune di Madrid ha finalmente deciso di vietare gli spettacoli di circo “con esibizione di animali selvatici”.
Secondo un nuovo studio pubblicato su Science Advances i paesaggi forestali intatti stanno scomparendo ad un ritmo insostenibile.
The Belo Monte hydroelectric complex in Brazil was approved in 2005 even in the absence of the legally required environmental impact assessment and consultations with affected populations. Brazilian prosecutors have ruled the authorisation unconstitutional, multiples times. Yet after over a decade of legal attempts to block it, occupations, strikes and violence, Belo Monte is expected
Theresa May has been British Prime Minister for seven months, coming to power in the wake of the Brexit referendum and David Cameron‘s resignation. Her main task as leader is that of defining the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union in conformity with the desires of the 52 per cent of voters who chose to back Brexit.
Some of the most significant news stories of the year. From the Paris Agreement to the Colombian peace deal, here’s our 2016 in review: the last 12 months seen through the lens of sustainability.
The Munduruku block the Tapajós dam, Brazil The hydroelectric São Luiz do Tapajós dam would have been one of Brazil’s largest. It was planned to alter the course of the Tapajós River, one of the Amazon River’s largest tributaries, inundating over 700 square kilometres, including of Munduruku land. But it won’t go ahead. Together with organisations such as Greenpeace and Survival International the
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements in stock exchanges are emerging around the world, showing that global investors are exploring ways to integrate such factors into their investments – aiming to generate not only positive returns but also positive impacts. “Stock exchanges are uniquely positioned at the intersection between investors, companies and regulators. As such they can
Eliseu Lopes has been in Italy to talk about the dangers that indigenous Guaraní people are facing in Brazil in order to survive.
Il papà di Diana Rios è stato fatto a pezzi perché difendeva la foresta. Anche lei rischia la vita, ma non ha rinunciato a partecipare alla Cop 21.
La sopravvivenza della tribù brasiliana degli Yanomami è a rischio a causa dei minatori. Survival ha diffuso nuove immagini per attirare l’attenzione sul genocidio delle tribù incontattate.