The Brazilian Amazon has been saved from commercial mining
A Brazilian court suspended the decree issued by President Temer to abolish the RENCA nature reserve in the Amazon forest and open it to mining exploration.
A Brazilian court suspended the decree issued by President Temer to abolish the RENCA nature reserve in the Amazon forest and open it to mining exploration.
Lo scorso anno oltre duecento ambientalisti, quasi quattro ogni settimana, sono stati assassinati in tutto il mondo. Lo rivela il nuovo rapporto di Global Witness.
According to a study presented in Guatemala, granting the rights to land to rural communities contributes to reducing the risk of forest fires.
Over 1,000 indigenous peoples’ representatives from the North Pole to New Zealand reflected on the progress and challenges in safeguarding indigenous rights during the 16th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held at the international organisation’s headquarters in New York between the 24th of April and 5th of May. Calling for concrete action,
In Brasile la situazione per i guaraní, il popolo indigeno più numeroso del Paese, è drammatica, privati delle loro terre ancestrali e assassinati impunemente dai proprietari terrieri.
The Canadian oil company Pacific E&P, who had been granted the right to explore and extract oil in the Peruvian Amazon by the national government, has halted its exploration activities in block 135 of the rainforest (which is divided into “blocks” of oil and gas exploration). The company released a statement saying it “has made the decision to relinquish its exploration
What’s hidden behind a simple hamburger? Hundreds of thousands of kilometres of forest in Brazil and Bolivia that don’t exist anymore, just to start.
The legislative landscape in the area of LGBT rights in Latin America began to evolve in the early 2000s. Whereas in 1999 almost half the region still criminalised homosexuality, the legalisation of same-sex marriages in Spain in 2005 incentivised its former colonies (and not only) to refresh their policies on the matter. Since then five Latin American countries – Uruguay, French
Lo scorso anno un gruppo di oceanologi statunitensi e brasiliani ha scoperto una barriera corallina dove si pensava non potesse esistere: nel Rio delle Amazzoni.
Cos’è il land grabbing e dove si pratica. Ma soprattutto quali sono i danni all’ambiente e alle comunità locali che popolano le terre del sud del mondo.