10 easy-to-make and recycled bird feeders
During the coldest days of the year here are a few tips on how to make bird feeders that help birds survive the winter.
During the coldest days of the year here are a few tips on how to make bird feeders that help birds survive the winter.
Lo scorso anno è stato registrato un incremento di oltre il 20 per cento dei rinoceronti uccisi. La specie è sempre più a rischio.
What the American photographer Stephen Mallon immortalised is not the umpteenth case of marine pollution: the disused coaches of New York’s metropolitan are thrown into the ocean for a good reason. The Big Apple’s metropolitan coaches minus wheels, windows and doors photographed by Mallon in its “Next Stop Atlantic project” while they are
Eating less, but better quality meat. Alongside vegetarianism and veganism, reducetarianism is the new diet for those who are not ready to give up foods of animal origin.
L’animale, protetto da una legge federale, è stato abbattuto nello Utah da un cacciatore che sostiene di averlo scambiato per un coyote.
The endangered species now include 15 new species such as Pacific bluefin tuna, Chinese Pufferfish and Tanzanian chameleon.
German zoologist Werner Freund has been studying the behaviour of wolves in their environment for over 40 years, by living with them.
Dopo secoli di soprusi i lupi stanno tornando a popolare boschi e montagne del nostro pianeta. Eppure il rapporto con l’uomo continua ad essere conflittuale.
La star hollywoodiana conferma la sensibilità verso le tematiche ambientali producendo un film sulla storia vera di una femmina di lupo uccisa nel 2012.
This article could dissuade you from not having pets because of germophobia or the annoyance of dust and hairs. Living with dogs and cats could effectively be a panacea for the entire family. Here’s why: 1) Less allergies, asthma and coughs in children Several studies have been carried out on this topic. Research, published