Love him or hate him. 5 moments that made Banksy a star

Love him or hate him. 5 moments that made Banksy a star

Banksy, thought to have been born in Bristol, England in the 1970s, has remained faceless and nameless throughout his career in spite of more or less convincing revelations of his identity. In a rare interview he gave to The Guardian in 2003 he revealed that he began doing graffiti in his early teens as a

Europe’s complicity in illegal deforestation

Europe’s complicity in illegal deforestation

The European countries foster illegal deforestation around the world, despite they are among those who violate international laws and conventions the less. In order to meet the demand of agricultural products in Europe, between 2000 and 2012, the equivalent of a soccer field was illegally deforested every 2 minutes, violating national laws of those countries