How agricultural chemicals are poisoning our world. And all the (false) myths about them

How agricultural chemicals are poisoning our world. And all the (false) myths about them

Corporations are putting our lives and our environment at risk through a growing and improper influence over institutions, whose responsibility should be, instead, protecting people and the planet. The visible consequences have made it imperative to expose their devious tactics and their steadfast and corrupt lobbying, recently revealed in the Poison Papers (a compilation of over

11 of the most important indigenous victories

11 of the most important indigenous victories

The Munduruku block the Tapajós dam, Brazil   The hydroelectric São Luiz do Tapajós dam would have been one of Brazil’s largest. It was planned to alter the course of the Tapajós River, one of the Amazon River’s largest tributaries, inundating over 700 square kilometres, including of Munduruku land. But it won’t go ahead. Together with organisations such as Greenpeace and Survival International the