Sustainer homes, the self-sufficient house respectful of the environment

Sustainer homes, the self-sufficient house respectful of the environment

Building a house that generates the hydraulic and electrical energy it needs to be completely self-sufficient is finally possible. That’s what a team of Dutch researchers demonstrated by starting the Sustainer Homes project, the container house exclusively fuelled with renewable energy.   It’s a mobile house of 30 square metres realised thanks to the recycling

Indian cuisine, well-balanced flavours

Indian cuisine, well-balanced flavours

Ayurveda, one of the most ancient types of folk medicine, includes a theory on nutrition based on six fundamental flavours and three kinds of individual temperaments. The six flavours are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent; the three types of dosha are Vata, Pitta and Kapha (or a combination of these) and are generated

Plum pie

Plum pie

La crostata di susine è una ricetta semplice da preparare. E’ perfetta a colazione.

COAL, the French partnership between art and sustainability

COAL, the French partnership between art and sustainability

Although art is free and unconditional par excellence, it can focus on specific areas of interest or cooperate with other disciplines or branches of knowledge. Therefore, it can be used as an effective tool for supporting an inter-disciplinary culture of ecology , as it’s being happening in France since 2008 with the initiative of the

Stephen Orlando, the photographer who captures music on a film

Stephen Orlando, the photographer who captures music on a film

Stephen Orlando, a photographer based in Ontario, has always devoted himself to capture movement on a film through time and space, as if he was obsessed by it. So, in his last project Motion Exposure, he found a way of catching the movements of sound by photographing music. In effect, Stephen, by using LED lights carefully