Tommaso Perrone

Editor in Chief

All articles - 21
Damaged pipeline spills 400,000 litres of oil in California

Damaged pipeline spills 400,000 litres of oil in California

On Tuesday, 19 May, a broken oil pipeline caused an oil spill of about 400,000 litres (105,000 gallons) in Santa Barbara, California. Officials already started removing the oil from rocks and sand, but the bad news is that 80,000 litres (21,000 gallons) are likely to have already reached the ocean.     The leak has

Seeds of Time: a documentary to plant the seeds of change

Seeds of Time: a documentary to plant the seeds of change

Have you ever heard about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault? It is a storage located in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, which safeguards about 1 million seeds coming from all over the world, in order to protect them from possible man-made and natural disasters. It is the world’s most important seed bank, guided until 2012 by

Nepal has succeeded in saving the Indian rhino from poachers

Nepal has succeeded in saving the Indian rhino from poachers

Biodiversity is the main character of the other, happy side of Nepal. Although recent earthquakes have had devastating effects on people and cities, animal species seem to have found precisely in Nepal their ideal shelter.     The population of Indian rhinos, also called one-horned rhinos, increased reaching 645 individuals this year, and most of

White House to save honeybees before they die out

White House to save honeybees before they die out

The phenomenon of honeybee deaths in the United States doesn’t stop, it rather gets worse. Over the last 12 months, honeybees’ number dropped by 42.1% compared with 34.2% of the previous year (2013-2014), according to a preliminary report published by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Wednesday.   The valuation has been carried out by

The plight of the Rohingya, the drifting invisible community

The plight of the Rohingya, the drifting invisible community

The tragedy of people fleeing their lands in order to survive, have a future, and hope for a better life doesn’t involve only the Mediterranean Sea. On the other side of the world there are the Rohingya people, which are officially recognised by the United Nations as the world’s most persecuted and segregated population. The

Traces of fracking fluid in drinking water in the U.S.

Traces of fracking fluid in drinking water in the U.S.

Tiny amounts of chemical substances were found in drinking water pouring from the taps of three homes in Pennsylvania, United States. According to a study conducted by the environmental scientists of the Pennsylvania State University, the cause should be ascribed to fracking (hydraulic fracturing) activities promoted by the U.S. Government. The paper was published in the

Eusébio, another indigenous leader killed in the Amazon

Eusébio, another indigenous leader killed in the Amazon

On 1 May 2015, the indigenous leader Eusébio, of the Ka’apor community, has been killed in an ambush in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, by two hooded men that are thought to be illegal loggers.   Eusébio was shot in the back by two gunmen riding a motorbike. Though his companions sought help, Eusébio died two

Terra Viva: Vandana Shiva’s manifesto presented at Expo 2015

Terra Viva: Vandana Shiva’s manifesto presented at Expo 2015

Expo Milano 2015, the very same that made agreements with some of the world’s largest and most controversial multinationals, boasts a farmstead dedicated to the civil society: Cascina Triulza – Civil Society Pavilion. It is the only structure to be present in the exposition area before Expo that has been restructured in a sustainable way.

Rudi Putra: “What use is it to be rich if we can’t enjoy nature?”

Rudi Putra: “What use is it to be rich if we can’t enjoy nature?”

Deforestation in Indonesia. To begin with, it would be useful if you could give us some figures on deforestation in your country. What effects has the government’s moratorium of 2011 had on deforestation, and what effects is it currently having? The moratorium hasn’t had significant effects since it was introduced in 2011. The deforestation rate