Winter delights, small citrus fruit
Tangerines, mandarin oranges and clementines: sweet small citrus fruits rich in fibres. A cocktail of aromas and tranquillity. A cocktail of winter.
Tangerines, mandarin oranges and clementines: sweet small citrus fruits rich in fibres. A cocktail of aromas and tranquillity. A cocktail of winter.
Thanks to its workshops, trattorias, food companies and restaurants, Parma, the capital of the Food Valley, received a great acknowledgement: it’s the first Italian city to be rewarded by UNESCO for its gastronomy.
Once again Thom Yorke, lead singer of the band Radiohead, actively took part in initiatives aimed to raise awareness on the issue of climate change in occasion of Paris COP21, the 21st global conference on climate. RT if you stand with @thomyorke for tough action on climate change at #COP21 (it’s fake snow) #ClimateMarch —
Here’s a nice idea for Christmas presents: small jars of crunchy muesli prepared at home. Our recipe is with chocolate.
Turmeric, cinnamon, honey and almond oil. These are the ingredients to make golden milk, one of the best and most effective natural remedies.
Influenced by Tuscan ribollita soup, the black cabbage and cannellini soup is a perfect winter dish.
What we eat and how we produce it are also to blame for climate change. Food and agriculture contribute to damage the climate with unimaginable and upsetting amounts of greenhouse gases that harms the ecosystem and all of us. Things must change, quickly. Let’s sign Slow Food’s appeal Slow Food launched an appeal in six
L’iniziativa è stata lanciata alla Cop 21 dal governo dell’India. L’obiettivo è permettere lo sviluppo del solare nelle nazioni situate tra i due tropici.
Tristram Stuart‘s career as a writer took a new turn when his focus turned to the topic of food waste. With the sensitivity of an environmentalist, knowledge of an academic and passion of an explorer he has dived head first into the subject, writing articles for The Guardian and organising a rally in Trafalgar Square
A recipe that includes a healthy, tasty and sustainable ingredient: hemp.