Sumatran rhino declared extinct in Malaysia
The Sumatran rhino has been declared extinct in Malaysia. There are only 100 individuals left, globally.
The Sumatran rhino has been declared extinct in Malaysia. There are only 100 individuals left, globally.
In vista della Cop 21 di dicembre decine di Stati hanno svelato i propri obiettivi di riduzione della CO2: secondo i climatologi non basteranno.
Un centro cittadino rinato, un solo accesso per entrare, uno per uscire. E quasi metà degli spostamenti avvengono in bici.
Amusement parks can be a pleasant diversion during the holidays. Some are also eco-friendly: here are some located in Europe and North America.
A rivelarlo è uno studio dell’università di Zurigo, che ha analizzato alcune centinaia di ghiacciai sparsi sul globo terrestre.
Clothes containing nonylphenol ethoxylates are harmful to aquatic ecosystems and aren’t going to be sold anymore in Europe.
Over the last few days, the windstorm Zeljko hit northern Europe with strong winds. In the south, meanwhile, the sun was high in the sky. A perfect condition for Germany’s renewables, given that northern Germany is home to the majority of its wind turbines, whilst southern regions are home to numerous solar power plants.
The Danish government prepared a plan to double the areas cultivated with organic and biodynamic practices by 2020. Aiming to make Denmark go completely organic. As soon as possible.
The EDF group and the French government are called to rescue the company Areva: «The cost for the operation could top 4-5 billion euros».
Roger Federer is 34 and since 1998 – when he was 17 – is a professional tennis player. Thanks to his class, technique, tenacity, and his elegant and unique style he became one of the world’s most important tennis champions in history. Federer, from Basle, Switzerland, is one of those champions that when will decide