South Africa: the first all-female patrol to protect rhinos
Reclutate nelle comunità locali le ragazze pattugliano l’area del Greater Kruger National Park per contrastare il bracconaggio.
Reclutate nelle comunità locali le ragazze pattugliano l’area del Greater Kruger National Park per contrastare il bracconaggio.
Il governo del Madagascar ha istituito il primo santuario per gli squali dell’Oceano Indiano in un’area famosa per la sua biodiversità marina.
Lo scorso anno è stato registrato un incremento di oltre il 20 per cento dei rinoceronti uccisi. La specie è sempre più a rischio.
Climate change is threatening the whole world population. On one hand, there are vulnerable countries to climate change, on the other, countries ready to face the issues caused by climate extremes and global warming. The ND-Gain matrix, developed in 1995 by the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, ranks countries from the most prepared
The number of migrants who tried to abandon their birthplace by boat in 2014 was the highest ever. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), since January, 348 thousand people have tried to undertake sea routes worldwide. Europe. It has seen the largest number of sea arrivals,
Retrofitting is a technical term which means modifying the technology of an object to improve its performances. Segun Oyeyiola, a Nigerian student of Engineering, just retrofitted an old Volkswagen Beetle and turned it into a solar and wind-powered car. Within a year the final year student managed to convert the Beetle into a
The WarkaWater tower is designed to provide remote villages with drinking water. The structure, made of natural materials, can produce 90 litres of water per day.
The documentary Virunga by Orlando von Einsiedel tells the story of a group of people who risk their lives every day in order to build a better future in an area of the African continent often forgotten, and to save one of the world’s most important natural habitats. A movie that shows the hard reality within
Chilean socialist party leader in the Senate María Isabel Allende, 69 years old, was named President of the Senate by the majority. Daughter of Salvador, the ex president of Chile, who was overthrown by a coup d’état in 1973 and sister of Isabel, the famous writer, she will officially assume the post on 11th March. Allende