The Barefeet Theatre. Zambian street children regain their right to play

The Barefeet Theatre. Zambian street children regain their right to play

The Barefeet Theatre group organises outreach events and workshops to help vulnerable children participate in creative activities through art, dance, music and storytelling. They are designed to help youths express themselves, gain valuable information and ultimately prevent them from living on the streets. This is how children’s lives are changed in the Zambian capital of

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

Ethiopia, FAO presents its response plan against the worst drought in decades

The idea of helping people “on site” so that they decide to remain in their country rather than migrating towards European coasts is increasingly catching on. After all, this would satisfy both those who want to protect their national borders and those who have a solidarity spirit and believe in international cooperation. Thus, why don’t