South African rapper Gigi Lamayne stands up for students’ rights
In South Africa more and more people are joining the #FeesMustFall movement. These include Gigi Lamayne, one of South Africa’s rising hip hop stars.
In South Africa more and more people are joining the #FeesMustFall movement. These include Gigi Lamayne, one of South Africa’s rising hip hop stars.
Un tribunale keniota ha condannato Feisal Ali Mohamed, responsabile della morte di almeno 120 elefanti.
The rare Angolan black and white colobus monkey lives high in the trees and hardly ever comes down to the ground. It is a leaf eater and the forest is essential to its survival. On the southern coast of Kenya, where the coral rag forests which are extremely rich in biodiversity have slowly been disappearing in favour of
A bordo del loro asino, girano i villaggi più remoti per portare energia rinnovabile e pulita a prezzi economici. Migliorando la loro vita e quella degli altri abitanti.
1. From Nelson Mandela‘s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom (1995) 2. After spending 27 years in prison 3. At a speech in London’s Trafalgar Square on the 3rd of February 2005 4. Universal freedom can’t coexist with inequality 5. Critical of the United States, which he called a threat to peace 6. Nelson Mandela spent time
The 5th anniversary since independence, obtained with 98.83 per cent of votes in a referendum held on 9 July 2011 after years of war with Sudan, was supposed to be one of celebration. Instead, the African state of South Sudan is having a terrible week. Hundreds of people, both soldiers and civilians, have died in clashes between rival armed
Lettera a Emmanuel, scampato ad un attentato in Nigeria, alle violenze in Libia, alla traversata del Mediterraneo. Ucciso nelle Marche perché nero.
Elephants could vanish from Tanzania’s Selous Game Reserve within the next six years, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has warned. Saving Selous: what’s at stake The only site in southern Tanzania to have been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status for its exceptional natural significance, Selous is one of the world’s largest game reserves. Up until the
275,000 photovoltaic modules connected by 990 kilometres of cables. The logistics behind coordinating such a project are tremendous. The Mulilo Sonnedix Prieska PV project will, once completed, cover an area approximately equal to 125 football or rugby fields. The plant, which is being constructed by US company Sonnedix in the Northern Free State area of Prieska, will have a capacity
Amnesty International denuncia la strage in corso nello stato africano, dove gli albini vengono uccisi e fatti a pezzi per fabbricare talismani impiegati nella medicina tradizionale.