Tanzania, President Magufuli sets an example by picking up rubbish off the streets

John Magufuli nel giorno dell’indipendenza della Tanzania è uscito dal palazzo presidenziale e ha iniziato a raccogliere i rifiuti lasciati per terra.

“Let us work together to keep our country, cities, homes and workplaces clean, safe and healthy,” said President John Magufuli as he picked up rubbish off the street of Tanzania’s capital city.


Il presidente ripulisce la strade dai rifiuti. ©Bbc
President Magufuli helps clean streets © Bbc


Tens of citizens joined Magufuli in collecting waste off the streets outside State House. “Tanzania has changed – this is a new Tanzania,” said one resident, Anyitike Mwakitalima, according to AFP.


The newly elected president of Tanzania launched a strong message. He cancelled The Independence Day celebrations (9 December), as it would be “shameful” spending huge sums whilst the country is undergoing a severe cholera epidemic that caused thousands of new infections and 150 deaths in only a month.


President John Magufuli


Magufuli, who took office on 25 October, has already been nicknamed “the Bulldozer” across the country, due to his anti-corruption campaigns and cost-cutting measures. For instance, Magufuli has cut the expenses of the Parliament inauguration, from 100,000 dollars to “only” 7,000. There’s more. He declared his will to improve welfare of the poorest and to solve energy problems citizens are forced to face.


Magufuli on Twitter 


It seems the president hates the “political correctness” and, thanks to his austerity politics, he has become a social media star, both in Tanzania and other neighbouring countries, according to AFP, so that the hashtag #WhatWouldMagufuliDo went viral.

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