34 Muslim countries team up to fight terrorism
Il mondo musulmano si unisce per contrastare il terrorismo, non solo l’Isis. Una coalizione di 34 paesi vuole porre fine alla violenza, anche ideologica.
Il mondo musulmano si unisce per contrastare il terrorismo, non solo l’Isis. Una coalizione di 34 paesi vuole porre fine alla violenza, anche ideologica.
The region that includes Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and part of Turkey, where Kurds claim autonomy or even independence in the name of a greater Kurdistan, has been the focus of international attention for decades. The journalist Ferruccio de Bortoli shines a light on the issue ahead of the Turkish parliamentary elections on the 1st of
The NGO Arte Fatto Onlus was founded in Milan in 2008 to encourage sustainable development through art, design and craftsmanship. It supports crafts men and women around the world to meet the demand for ethical fashion with the objective of improving their life conditions by offering training on design and business skills. The project “L’Oasi
Svetlana Alexievich has been awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature by the Swedish Academy “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time”. The Belarusian writer and journalist is known for books that weave hundreds of real life testimonies together. Alexievich was born in Ukraine in 1948 from a
Un centro afghano di Medici Senza Frontiere è stato raso al suolo da un bombardamento, probabilmente americano. Il racconto straziante di un infermiere.
“Gold” is a word often used when talking about Myanmar. It is known as the “Land of Gold”, and this is apparent even before landing in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city. Its surroundings are covered by myriads of golden pagodas, as is the rest of the country: gold enriches monasteries and monuments everywhere you look. Ironically,
The Hungarian government decided to build a 4-metre-high fence along its border with Serbia, in order to stop the unauthorised entry of migrants coming from the Balkans. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto announced the plan to the international community, talking about a possible border fence up to 175 km long. The measure
Sonita Alizadeh is an Afghan girl aged eighteen. Now, she lives in the United States and she attends the Wasatch Arts Center, dreaming to become a lawyer. But, throughout her life, Sonita has moved a lot. Her family fled Afghanistan when she was 8 years old because of war and it moved to Tehran, the capital of
Skateboarding will improve female condition in Afghanistan, thanks to the labour of the non-profit organisation Skateistan, founded in 2007 by the skater Oliver Percovich. It is a project that allows young Afghani girls practicing this sport, having fun, and studying, together with boys. It is a possibility often denied to many children coming from poor families,
A group of 40 Afghan women passionate about cycling and part of the Afghanistan’s Women’s National Cycling Team is trying to break country’s tradition barriers. The aim is to spread the idea that women can freely practice any sports, despite the conservative society of Afghanistan consider sport as an inappropriate activity for women. Masooma