The dark side of gold: opium in Myanmar

The dark side of gold: opium in Myanmar

“Gold” is a word often used when talking about Myanmar. It is known as the “Land of Gold”, and this is apparent even before landing in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city. Its surroundings are covered by myriads of golden pagodas, as is the rest of the country: gold enriches monasteries and monuments everywhere you look. Ironically,

Hungary’s wall to stop migrants is the latest in a long series

Hungary’s wall to stop migrants is the latest in a long series

The Hungarian government decided to build a 4-metre-high fence along its border with Serbia, in order to stop the unauthorised entry of migrants coming from the Balkans. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto announced the plan to the international community, talking about a possible border fence up to 175 km long.   The measure

What use are Samantha Cristoforetti’s experiments

What use are Samantha Cristoforetti’s experiments

On board of the Soyuz space capsule, landed yesterday at 15:44 on the Kazakhstan steppe, there was the first Italian female astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti, who broke the record of Sunita Williams for being in space 200 days – 4 more than the above mentioned American fellow astronaut.     We have learnt to know AstroSamantha,

Russia celebrates dialoguing with nature for its National Day at Expo

Russia celebrates dialoguing with nature for its National Day at Expo

On 10th June, Expo Milano 2015 celebrates the Russia National Day. The pavilion of the Russian Federation tells the least known aspects of the country and it responds to the exhibition’s theme by showing pure nature, the treasures of its regions and Russian scientists’ and agronomists’ heritage.   The National Day of the world’s largest country

EU Parliament recognises the rights of LGBT parents

EU Parliament recognises the rights of LGBT parents

Yesterday the EU Parliament in Strasbourg voted in favour of a resolution that, for the first time, explicitly acknowledges families with same-sex parents. The resolution, which tackles gender equality by setting new targets and strategies to improve women’s condition in the European Union, makes specific mention of how legislation must respond to changing family structures:

Monaco National Day, a celebration to remember the importance of solidarity

Monaco National Day, a celebration to remember the importance of solidarity

On 9th June Expo Milano 2015 celebrated the National Day of the Principality of Monaco and Prince Albert was present for the occasion. The members of the band “Les carabiniers de Prince”, authorities and the folk band “La Paladienne” have paraded along the Decumano with traditional dresses and performed local songs before the Prince visited