Iran, diplomacy celebrates a return to normality
Grazie alla diplomazia, la vita continua a scorrere tranquilla a Teheran. E ora l’Iran è pronto a unirsi nella lotta contro lo Stato Islamico.
Grazie alla diplomazia, la vita continua a scorrere tranquilla a Teheran. E ora l’Iran è pronto a unirsi nella lotta contro lo Stato Islamico.
The wealthiest 1% of people hold more riches than the rest of the world combined, according to a report released by aid and development NGO Oxfam. The announcement comes ahead of the 46th annual World Economic Forum, which will take place in Davos, Switzerland, between 20-23 January, bringing together top business and political leaders to
The United Nations have confirmed that Iran’s government has fulfilled its obligations under the nuclear deal signed in July. A new era of relations between Iran and the West The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) triggered the implementation of the nuclear deal with Teheran. According to IAEA’s Director General Yukiya Amano, “Iran has
They’re guilty of signing a declaration to denounce and ask to stop the violence perpetrated by the Turkish army against the leaders of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party – PKK. It’s a declaration urging a peaceful solution to the almost centuries-old conflict in the south-east between Turkey and the PKK, which is considered to be a terrorist
C’è una nuova categoria di persone che si distinguono per cosa mangiano: sono i climatariani. Sono coloro che hanno bene in mente quanto sia importante l’alimentazione nella lotta al riscaldamento globale.
https://youtu.be/ncgFQAISaGo The Golden Globes, at their 73rd edition, are a glamorous event at the heart of Hollywood, a multi-billion dollar industry often criticised for overwhelmingly representing the worldviews of white males. Thus the mostly hotly anticipated film awards of the year after the Oscars are not an obvious venue for championing indigenous rights. But Leonardo
Secondo la classifica stilata dalla società di sondaggi Gallup, la Colombia è il pase più felice del mondo, seguito da Fiji, Arabia Saudita, Azerbaijan e Vietnam.
A Red Cross aid convoy has arrived in the besieged city of Madaya, in Syria. 400 people could be evacuated.
Ha provato ad aiutare una bambina afgana, bloccata nella “giungla di Calais”, a raggiungere la famiglia a Leeds. Rob Lawrie ora rischia la reclusione.
Istanbul, Turkey – 10:20, local time. An explosion rocked the most prominent tourist district of the Turkish city, Sultanhamet, home to the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii, in Turkish). Una foto pubblicata da LifeGate (@lifegate) in data: 12 Gen 2016 alle ore 07:02 PST According to authorities, the blast killed at least 10