Aromatic salad, elixir of health

Aromatic salad, elixir of health

A study published by the British Journal of Nutrition and conducted by the Institute of Biological Chemistry of Urbino University highlights how the use of spices and aromatic herbs combined with raw vegetables, for example salad, amplifies the antioxidant effects of the latter.   Adding spices to your aromatic salad increase antioxidant properties Antioxidants are

Courgette pesto

Courgette pesto

Courgettes pesto is a light and fresh seasoning, enriched with some mint leaves and sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

Biking for books: Cyclo-biblio stars in June

Biking for books: Cyclo-biblio stars in June

Cyclo-biblio, a five-day ride in support of libraries, combines the love for books with the love for bycicles. After Cycling for libraries‘ successful fourth edition (this is name of the international event from which the francophone edition drew its inspiration) in August 2014, between Montpellier and Lyon, the French association Cyclo-biblio decided to organise another edition

Baked potatoes with herb sauce and sprouts

Baked potatoes with herb sauce and sprouts

  Ingredients for 4 servings 4 medium-size new potatoes mixed sprouts to taste (alfalfa, clover, soy, radish, mustard, lentil sprouts) For the sauce: 1 cup of pine nuts 6 spoonful of minced parsley 6 spoonful of minced basil 6 spoonful of minced arugula 6 poonful of grated Parmesan cheese 2 spoonful of fresh lemon juice