Chiara Boracchi

Digital Editor

All articles - 3
How the glaciers of the Rocky Mountains will be in 2100

How the glaciers of the Rocky Mountains will be in 2100

The Canadian segment of the Rocky Mountains could undergo a drastic transformation, in less than 90 years. In fact, according to study carried out by the University of British Columbia and published by Nature Geoscience, Canada is likely to lose 70% of its glaciers by 2100, due to global warming.     The province of

The Great Barrier Reef and Reef 2050: Greenpeace’s 5 NOs

The Great Barrier Reef and Reef 2050: Greenpeace’s 5 NOs

There are further protests against the Reef 2050 plan, the 40 million dollars plan of the Australian government for the Great Barrier Reef’s long-term protection presented by the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The biodiversity of the site is in danger, due to ocean acidification threatening corals, overfishing and coal mines. And in spite of

Piplantri, the village that plants trees for women

Piplantri, the village that plants trees for women

Piplantri, a small Indian village located in the north-western Rajasthan State, celebrates female newborns with planting trees. It is a countertrend compared to the Indian subcontinent, where the birth of a girl child is generally considered anything but a blessing.       Due to prenatal ultrasounds, able to indicate foetus’ gender, millions of female

Cutting down rainforests is 100 times more expensive than protecting them

Cutting down rainforests is 100 times more expensive than protecting them

Between 2009 and 2012 Brazil and Indonesia were given 346 million dollars by the U.N. – mostly from Norway and Germany – to preserve rainforests. But this good piece of news is completely omitted in the report written by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), according to which in the same period those countries have spent

4 aromatic herbs for your health

4 aromatic herbs for your health

Spring has finally come, and our gardens and balconies become full of scented aromatic herbs, which are good for cooking, and to be used as natural remedies for our health.   Sage The name comes from the Latin word “salvare” (to save, heal), and refers to the numerous curative properties of this plant. The ancient

Smog damages monuments more than hooligans do

Smog damages monuments more than hooligans do

Apparently, hooligans are the lesser of two evils for the Fontana della Barcaccia, a fresh-water fountain located in Piazza di Spagna, as well as for all other monuments in Rome. The most serious damages to churches, ruins and statues are caused by smog and floods.     This is what is said in the joint

Things to do by 2050 to protect the environment

Things to do by 2050 to protect the environment

If it’s true that by 2050 the Earth will have to support about 9 billion people, how can we preserve the resources we have for future generations?   The report entitled The european environment – state and outlook 2015 (SOER 2015) released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) aims to answer this question by including and

4 (scientifically proven) facts about your cat

4 (scientifically proven) facts about your cat

17th February is World Cat Day. To celebrate this smart and mysterious animal, that was sacred in ancient Egypt and considered a sign of witchcraft in the Middle Ages, we quote four interesting studies about them.   1) Cats recognise their owners’ voice and they consciously ignore it It is a study conducted by Tokyo

Barnraiser, crowdfunding dedicated to sustainable food

Barnraiser, crowdfunding dedicated to sustainable food

The huge genetically modified maize fields in the US could be old-fashioned. This is thanks to a crowdfunding experiment, aimed to promote and support small, organic and sustainable farms, and projects – from art to literature – regarding healthy eating.   Barnraiser is a new platform, and its mission “is to put a billion dollars

Things that is easiest to do with a partner

Things that is easiest to do with a partner

This year’s good intentions include starting practicing sports, such as swimming or running? Involve even your partner in adopting this healthy behaviour and this idea will prove more successful . The same goes if you want to stop smoking or eat a healthier diet. Cultivating healthy habits is easier if you have a partner.