Forests can end world hunger
A new study reveals that forests can play a key role in achieving global food security.
A new study reveals that forests can play a key role in achieving global food security.
On 1 May 2015, the indigenous leader Eusébio, of the Ka’apor community, has been killed in an ambush in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, by two hooded men that are thought to be illegal loggers. Eusébio was shot in the back by two gunmen riding a motorbike. Though his companions sought help, Eusébio died two
Tra sequoie altissime e bambù infestati, tra colonie di funghi e strutture naturali, ecco quali sono i giganti del mondo vegetale.
7 conservationists have been awarded the “Green Oscars” for their commitment in wildlife conservation
L’allarme viene lanciato dal Wwf che ha individuato undici aree in cui si concentrerà l’80 per cento della perdita di foreste.
Deforestation in Indonesia. To begin with, it would be useful if you could give us some figures on deforestation in your country. What effects has the government’s moratorium of 2011 had on deforestation, and what effects is it currently having? The moratorium hasn’t had significant effects since it was introduced in 2011. The deforestation rate
In 2014, the number of environmental activists murdered has increased. Brazil is the most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
In the Nepalese part of the Terai Arc, a narrow subtropical corridor connecting India and Nepal, women head a project of forest conservation and social development. Since 2001, they have been safeguarding biodiversity in an area of incalculable natural value, guaranteeing the “ecological, economic and socio-cultural integrity of the region”. The Terai Arc Landscape (TAL)
We’ve already talked about the flowering of sakura in Japan, and about hanami. All that’s left is to enjoy this stunning high-definition video of blossoming cherry trees that shows the extraordinary beauty Japanese people can admire during the spring. The footage is by Gaijin Tips.
The inhabitants of a village in the Indian Ocean, tired of the negative impacts of global warming, have taken matters into their own hands and safeguarded their community from the risks that threaten their livelihoods. The women of the island have planted twenty thousand mangroves to protect the land and water fauna. The future of