Peruvian indigenous tribe wins lawsuit against US oil giant
After a long legal battle the Indigenous Achuar tribe won the lawsuit against the Occidental Petroleum for the environmental damages it caused.
After a long legal battle the Indigenous Achuar tribe won the lawsuit against the Occidental Petroleum for the environmental damages it caused.
In 2015, Vienna still tops the list of best cities in the world to live in. For several years Mercer, a multinational consultancy society for companies’ development, has drafted the ranking of the cities with best quality of living for people living abroad, according to 39 parameters divided in 10 categories. This year, more than 440
Il presidente colombiano ha annunciato l’intenzione di creare la più grande area protetta del mondo che si estenderà dall’Oceano Atlantico alle Ande.
For the first time ever a video shows how Saharan dust is transported throughout the atmosphere and contributes to fertilising the Amazon and Caribbean.
Tapir is a funny animal, similar to a crossbreed between a wild boar and an ant eater, with the squat body of the former and the long nose of the latter. In Brazil, idiots are named “tapirs”. Yet, these large herbivores are extraordinary animals with a highly biological importance. Here are 10 facts that will make
The most correct term to describe the action of medicinal mushrooms on the immunity response is “immunomodulation”. Depending on the dose, times of administration and the active ingredient contained, these foods can accelerate or slow down the immune defense. That’s why they are suitable in case of autoimmune diseases, hyperactivity of natural defenses or allergy.
Amaranth has high quality nutrients: its small grains (1 gram contains 1,000-3,000 grains depending on the variety) are rich in proteins and have a high content of calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to the lack of gluten, it is an ideal product for celiac and diabetic people’s diets. The monks who accompanied the conquistadores
Korea is replacing street lights with LED lights: the aim of this programme is to reduce the electricity bill and light pollution. LEDs require 10 times less energy to generate light, offering a less light dispersion in the air. In public areas where lights have been changed to LED, the inhabitants can see the stars
Chilean socialist party leader in the Senate María Isabel Allende, 69 years old, was named President of the Senate by the majority. Daughter of Salvador, the ex president of Chile, who was overthrown by a coup d’état in 1973 and sister of Isabel, the famous writer, she will officially assume the post on 11th March. Allende
The year was 1992, and the world was beginning to see global warming as a serious threat. Below we recount the history of the UNFCCC Conferences of the Parties (COPs), without forgetting those who haven’t lost hope that even the staunchest climate change deniers can change their minds.