France, the forest saved by citizens: the court agrees with ecologists
A French court cancelled the authorisation given to a multinational company for the building of a holiday village in the heart of a forest.
A French court cancelled the authorisation given to a multinational company for the building of a holiday village in the heart of a forest.
Nel cuore del bosco del Montello, “sior Bruno” ha costruito un parco divertimenti unico al mondo. Frutto di intuizioni, sogni e 40 anni di pratica.
In the country there are almost 1.5 million cubic metres of radioactive waste. Within the next 65 years there will be 4.3 million cubic metres of it.
World-reknowned photographer, documentary maker, and environmental activist Yann Arthus-Bertrand is back with a video realised with his typical aerial view: on board of a hot-air balloon. He decided to capture one of the world’s most beautiful lakes and one of Italy’s most extraordinary natural places, Lake Como. The 21-minute video is entitled Lake Como seen
Author, journalist but also musician, Yuval Ben-Ami was born in Jerusalem. He writes for a number of Jewish cultural magazines and has published some popular books about his birthplace. He likes classical music, Schubert in particular. But since he listened to New Zealand singer Lorde’s first album, he has developed a true obsession for her. He said
Intensive apple production in Europe uses too much chemicals. The most frequentlly found substance was a fungicide and there are also seven types of pesticides not approved by the EU.
The French city introduced a system for monitoring the electromagnetic radiations generated by its 1,700 antennas for mobile phones.
24 parchi nazionali, 134 parchi regionali, 30 aree marine protette. Senza questi numeri molte specie sarebbero oggi estinte in natura.
A joint report of Oxfam and Les Amis de la Terre accuses France of being “hypocrite: it talks about climate and then it pollutes the Planet by burning coal”.
Biodiversity is the main character of the other, happy side of Nepal. Although recent earthquakes have had devastating effects on people and cities, animal species seem to have found precisely in Nepal their ideal shelter. The population of Indian rhinos, also called one-horned rhinos, increased reaching 645 individuals this year, and most of