Najaq, the recently rediscovered Sumatran rhino has died

Najaq, the recently rediscovered Sumatran rhino has died

Her rediscovery had been welcomed with real enthusiasm by biologists, environmentalists and all those who have nature close to their heart. Before the capture of the female Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) named Najaq, no individual had been encountered for over 40 years in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo.     The female rhino was captured by WWF thanks

The Sumatran rhino still roams wild: sighted for the first time in 40 years

The Sumatran rhino still roams wild: sighted for the first time in 40 years

The Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), hasn’t been sighted in the area of Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, for over 40 years. Its origins date back to the prehistoric era, descending from the megafauna that roamed the planet thousands of years ago. The sighting of the Sumatran rhino Until 2013, the animal was thought to be extinct in this

Gorillas hum and sing while they eat

Gorillas hum and sing while they eat

Sembra che cantare sia per i gorilla un modo di esprimere soddisfazione per il loro pasto. Questa scoperta potrebbe aiutare a far luce sull’evoluzione del linguaggio nei primi esseri umani.

How the giants of the ocean are doing

How the giants of the ocean are doing

While most species of large whales are recovering from the collapse caused by commercial exploitation in the past two centuries, some populations are still struggling. A recent report, authored by experts of the Marine Mammal Commission in the U.S., reviews their status and highlights the main threats that these giants of the oceans are currently