Millennium Development Goals: What has and hasn’t been achieved

Millennium Development Goals: What has and hasn’t been achieved

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) still haven’t been achieved. Much progress has been made but, only nine months from the deadline, accomplishing them remains out of reach.     What are the MDGs. They are the most ambitious targets ever set by the United Nations to improve living conditions for the world’s population. They were drafted

Local communities want development, not forced eviction

Local communities want development, not forced eviction

Infrastructural developments carried out by governments, often with the participation of international organisations such as the World Bank, cause the forced eviction of countless communities in developing countries. These projects are evaluated in terms of their most immediate ends, without taking into consideration their long terms effects. Amongst which, too often, is the at times

Palm oil: what you need to know about health and environment

Palm oil: what you need to know about health and environment

Palm oil is an edible oil plant that is a common ingredient in many consumer products, and it has become the most widely produced vegetable oil worldwide. Palm oil global consumption increased sharply: in 2014 it amounted to 56.63 million metric tonnes, and it is expected to exceed 60 million in 2015, according to studies by The

10 things you may not know about tapirs

10 things you may not know about tapirs

Tapir is a funny animal, similar to a crossbreed between a wild boar and an ant eater, with the squat body of the former and the long nose of the latter. In Brazil, idiots are named “tapirs”. Yet, these large herbivores are extraordinary animals with a highly biological importance. Here are 10 facts that will make

Pharrell Williams and Al Gore present Live Earth 2015

Pharrell Williams and Al Gore present Live Earth 2015

In 2007, Al Gore,Vice President of the United States at the time, organised the Live Earth concert on 7 July. In the same year, Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their efforts in spreading awareness on climate change.   On 21 January 2015, at the World Economic Forum in

Samantha Cristoforetti teams up with UNICEF to fight child malnutrition

Samantha Cristoforetti teams up with UNICEF to fight child malnutrition

Impresa Straordinaria is the new campaign against child malnutrition and mortality by UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.   The name of the campaign shows a concrete, extraordinary yet not impossible aim: save those 3 million children that every year die due to malnutrition all over the world. UNICEF calls for help in