Women can vote for the first time in Saudi Arabia’s history

Women can vote for the first time in Saudi Arabia’s history

Seemingly positive news is going to shake the history of the country where women have the least rights in the world and that of the entire Islamic world. Saudi Arabia will allow women to vote and run in municipal elections. The news has been released by local media in conjunction with the start of the

Nigeria bans female genital cutting, but it’s not enough

Nigeria bans female genital cutting, but it’s not enough

As one of his last acts as Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Johnson signed the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act in May 2015, outlawing female genital cutting (FGC) in the whole country. Nigeria is home to a quarter of the 140 million women and girls who have undergone FGC globally, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos

Elizabeth Holmes was born in 1984, grew up in Texas, U.S.A., and founded Theranos in 2003 when she was only 19 years old. Many are comparing her to Silicon Valley greats like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. But her field isn’t exclusively that of technology. The young American wants to change the way we get

Syrian refugees exceed 4 million according to the UNHCR

Syrian refugees exceed 4 million according to the UNHCR

People who fled the Syrian civil war, which started over 4 years ago, exceeded 4 million. Of them, 1.8 million went to Turkey, which is now the country that hosts the highest number of refugees in the world. These data have been released by latest report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner

Biking from Europe to Africa in the name of youth and women

Biking from Europe to Africa in the name of youth and women

A bike adventure from Europe to Africa, in the name of debate, women and young people. Jilt Van Schayik and his friend Teun Meulepas left Amsterdam, iconic city for bike mobility, in February, to cross 20 countries between Europe and Africa and reach Cape Town the next 12 August, on the International Youth Day.  

Hungary’s wall to stop migrants is the latest in a long series

Hungary’s wall to stop migrants is the latest in a long series

The Hungarian government decided to build a 4-metre-high fence along its border with Serbia, in order to stop the unauthorised entry of migrants coming from the Balkans. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto announced the plan to the international community, talking about a possible border fence up to 175 km long.   The measure