4 natural remedies for premenstrual syndrome

4 natural remedies for premenstrual syndrome

The countdown for menstruation has begun and a woman out of three becomes nervous: anxiety, insomnia, bursts of anger or tears are common manifestations. Mothers lose patience with their offspring, a female colleague hits the roof at work and husbands or male colleagues are always there to ask them: “Are you about to have your

What foods promote fertility

What foods promote fertility

Zita West is an obstetrician, acupuncturist, nutritional consultant and expert in fertility and pregnancy. In 1992 she founded “The Zita West Clinic”, the most famous holistic fertility clinic in London that combines medical science and complementary therapies. She is author of a number of books on this topic and her fans include Kate Winslet, Cate

5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when preparing a main-course salad

5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when preparing a main-course salad

To prepare a main-course salad you should follow a few simple rules. Sometimes people don’t abide strictly by the recommended amount of ingredients and they double or, on the contrary, half one of them. These wrong proportions change substantially the benefits of our main-course salad: e.g. it can be too high in calories or poor

9 foods to always be bought organic

9 foods to always be bought organic

1 Apples Apples are one of the food products to be treated the most with pesticides, resulting in chemical residues on the peel. 40 different pesticides have been identified. A Swiss study, published in the proceedings of the 25th International Horticultural Congress, found in organic apples a higher content of potassium (+31%) and phenols (+19%, mostly

7 foods to lower inflammation and reduce belly fat

7 foods to lower inflammation and reduce belly fat

Fruits and vegetable All types of fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers and antioxidants. You should be eating them in profusion every day if you want to relieve a chronic inflammation. The essential thing is to buy fresh, colourful, and in season vegetables. Legumes and wholegrain cereals They control the insulin response; insulin resistance

7 rules for sustainable grocery shopping

7 rules for sustainable grocery shopping

Food represents one fifth of an average family’s footprint, according to the US Union of Concerned Scientists. This means that when you’re doing your shopping you can choose to respect the environment. What are the right steps for a sustainable grocery shopping?   1- Organic saves and absorbs CO2 Besides consuming less energy and emitting less

Beware of supermarket “junk” coupons

Beware of supermarket “junk” coupons

Supermarkets don’t offer many healthy choices to low-income households, says a research published in the journal the Preventing Chronic Disease. The study took into consideration over 1,000 coupons distributed by the six major American chain grocery stores. Results show that most of the offers promote junk food and sugary drinks: groceries that are potentially harmful for

Vegetarianism, pros and cons

Vegetarianism, pros and cons

First of all, we should distinguish among the different types of vegetarianism: for example, lacto-ovo-vegetarians are those people who avoid to consume meat and fish but eat milk, dairy products and eggs; vegans, instead, don’t eat any food product of animal origin (meat, fish, milk, dairy products, eggs); raw veganism not only excludes food of