Local communities want development, not forced eviction

Local communities want development, not forced eviction

Infrastructural developments carried out by governments, often with the participation of international organisations such as the World Bank, cause the forced eviction of countless communities in developing countries. These projects are evaluated in terms of their most immediate ends, without taking into consideration their long terms effects. Amongst which, too often, is the at times

Europe’s complicity in illegal deforestation

Europe’s complicity in illegal deforestation

The European countries foster illegal deforestation around the world, despite they are among those who violate international laws and conventions the less. In order to meet the demand of agricultural products in Europe, between 2000 and 2012, the equivalent of a soccer field was illegally deforested every 2 minutes, violating national laws of those countries

The best cities to live in. Vienna still ranks first in 2015

The best cities to live in. Vienna still ranks first in 2015

In 2015, Vienna still tops the list of best cities in the world to live in. For several years Mercer, a multinational consultancy society for companies’ development, has drafted  the ranking of the cities with best quality of living for people living abroad, according to 39 parameters divided in 10 categories. This year, more than 440

10 things you may not know about tapirs

10 things you may not know about tapirs

Tapir is a funny animal, similar to a crossbreed between a wild boar and an ant eater, with the squat body of the former and the long nose of the latter. In Brazil, idiots are named “tapirs”. Yet, these large herbivores are extraordinary animals with a highly biological importance. Here are 10 facts that will make

5 medicinal mushrooms for cooking

5 medicinal mushrooms for cooking

The most correct term to describe the action of medicinal mushrooms on the immunity response is “immunomodulation”. Depending on the dose, times of administration and the active ingredient contained, these foods can accelerate or slow down the immune defense. That’s why they are suitable in case of autoimmune diseases, hyperactivity of natural defenses or allergy.