Women give new life to Sri Lanka’s mangrove forests
In Sri Lanka, a micro-credit project for fisherwomen aims to safeguard and increase mangrove forests.
In Sri Lanka, a micro-credit project for fisherwomen aims to safeguard and increase mangrove forests.
A new oven designed by Debesai Ghebrehiwet allows households to reduce fuel and firewood usage, improving health conditions and limiting deforestation.
For China National Day (8th June), there has been a parade of Chinese traditional symbols. Dances, colours and the topics dealt with have underlined the message with which the exposition of the China Pavilion is dripped. The attitude of thankfulness and respect of the resources that support the country and the hope that suggests the prospect of
In the leaders’ declaration of the G7 summit held in Germany this afternoon, governments reached an agreement on climate in view of the COP 21 conference taking place in December.
Students from all over the world simulated the COP21 conference in a theatre, giving voice to those who won’t have one at the real summit.
On 7 and 8 June 2015 Schloss Elmau, Germany, will be hosting the G7 summit. The group of the seven world’s leader economies, the seven most industrialised countries, includes Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States and Canada. Their heads of state annually gather to discuss the themes that characterised the previous
In Kazakistan dalla metà di maggio oltre 120mila saighe sono morte, decimate da una misteriosa epidemia che potrebbe condurle all’estinzione.
Greenpeace, dopo aver dimostrato la presenza di PFC nell’abbigliamento outdoor, sta cercando di capire quanto questo possa aver inquinato l’ambiente.
Tra le aziende partner della conferenza mondiale sul clima Cop21 figurano multinazionali che inquinano e investono in energie fossili. Insorgono le associazioni.
Grazie allo studio del DNA si è scoperto che il variopinto camaleonte pantera si divide in undici specie geograficamente separate.