The Earth’s Global Selfie and other extraordinary pictures from NASA

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the US government space agency that has always been active in monitoring, defending and celebrating the Earth’s beauties. On the occasion of Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April all around the world, NASA released a series of extraordinary pictures of our planet. The photo gallery includes some of the most beautiful pictures

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the US government space agency that has always been active in monitoring, defending and celebrating the Earth’s beauties. On the occasion of Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April all around the world, NASA released a series of extraordinary pictures of our planet. The photo gallery includes some of the most beautiful pictures taken by astronauts and satellites over the last few months.

This article’s featured image is a “Global Selfie”, composed of 36,422 pictures of people’s faces from 113 countries. It is a mosaic that shapes the Earth. The objective of both NASA’s initiatives is one: raise people’s awareness on environmental issues, to reduce CO2 emissions and combat climate change.

Here you can zoom in the picture and watch every single face of the mosaic.

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