Celebrate the Lungs of the Earth on 21st March, the International Day of Forests
Our species took its first steps in a world covered in trees. Today, forests offer us sustenance, shelter, and clean the air that we breathe.
Our species took its first steps in a world covered in trees. Today, forests offer us sustenance, shelter, and clean the air that we breathe.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Earth Overshoot Day 2020 falls on 22 August, over three weeks later than in 2019. A blessing in disguise?
Refusing the anthropocentric vision and respecting the laws of ecology is the only way to safeguard the future of our and all other species, Sea Shepherd President Paul Watson argues in this op-ed.
The 2019 edition of International Mountain Day is “Mountains matter for youth”, highlighting the need to bring young people back to highland areas to take care of their cultural and natural resources.
Overshoot Day marks the point when humanity has used up the Earth’s resources for a year. And the date comes earlier and earlier every year.
The photographic project Daily Overview shows the majestic beauty of nature and the invasive presence of humans, with the aim to inspire awe and encourage us to protect the Planet of which we’re guests. We talk to its creator, Benjamin Grant.
The word biodiversity recalls lush forests inhabited by countless animal and plant species. Life, thanks to its blind determination, blossoms in a myriad of stunning environments: from deserts and volcanoes to mountains covered up by perennial ice. The most extreme and inhospitable ecosystems can host animals and plants that adapted in the name of survival.
This year’s edition of World Water Day is dedicated to leaving no one behind in achieving SDG 6, which aims to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.
In the Malaysian state of Sabah there are no Sumatran rhinos left in the wild, Environment Minister says.
La giornata dell’Onu rimarca l’importanza della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani celebrando e promuovendo tali diritti.