Women of Grand Sable plant mangroves to protect the land

Women of Grand Sable plant mangroves to protect the land

The inhabitants of a village in the Indian Ocean, tired of the negative impacts of global warming, have taken matters into their own hands and safeguarded their community from the risks that threaten their livelihoods. The women of the island have planted twenty thousand mangroves to protect the land and water fauna. The future of

The Great Barrier Reef and Reef 2050: Greenpeace’s 5 NOs

The Great Barrier Reef and Reef 2050: Greenpeace’s 5 NOs

There are further protests against the Reef 2050 plan, the 40 million dollars plan of the Australian government for the Great Barrier Reef’s long-term protection presented by the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The biodiversity of the site is in danger, due to ocean acidification threatening corals, overfishing and coal mines. And in spite of

Things to do by 2050 to protect the environment

Things to do by 2050 to protect the environment

If it’s true that by 2050 the Earth will have to support about 9 billion people, how can we preserve the resources we have for future generations?   The report entitled The european environment – state and outlook 2015 (SOER 2015) released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) aims to answer this question by including and