The story of Inky, the octopus who escaped the aquarium in search for freedom
L’animale sarebbe fuggito dal National aquarium, in Nuova Zelanda, evadendo dalla propria vasca e approfittando di un tubo di scarico.
L’animale sarebbe fuggito dal National aquarium, in Nuova Zelanda, evadendo dalla propria vasca e approfittando di un tubo di scarico.
A new marine reserve aimed to protect the precious biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. This is the latest decision made by Ecuador to safeguard the extraordinary wildlife populating the archipelago’s waters. 97 per cent of the Galapagos Islands had been already protected, being a World Heritage Site of UNESCO due to their importance in
Seychelles is finalising a multi-million dollar debt swap in exchange for its commitment to saving the ocean. The deal was initiated by environmental organisation The Nature Conservancy and the government of the western Indian Ocean nation in 2012. “This is the first example of a debt swap focused on marine conservation and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate
L’imbarcazione affondata nei pressi del parco nazionale Sundarbans mette a rischio la sopravvivenza delle persone e delle specie animali che abitano la foresta e il fiume.
Premiate con l’Oscar della fotografia le 100 migliori immagini di natura, provenienti da tutto il mondo. La vita ritratta in tutta la sua magnificenza.
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha deciso di non concedere le concessioni per trivellare lungo la costa dell’Oceano Atlantico.
The Food Allergy Research & Education organisation reports that 1 in 13 children are affected by food allergies in the United States, while the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that these have increased among children by an astonishing 50% between 1997 and 2011. Experts blame this upsurge on the quality of the
British TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packham recently unveiled a series of wildlife photographs aimed at raising environmental awareness amongst the young. The shots, which are being exhibited in London, were taken in England and Scotland and portray the impact of litter on local wildlife. They were specially commissioned by supermarket chain Lidl UK as part of a
Magnesium deficiency is a very common condition among people and mostly women. Here are its symptoms and how to tackle them with the right foods.
A table full of fresh and colourful well-cooked foods helps protect the body from the damage of free radicals. Let’s discover how.