British Columbia has banned grizzly bear hunting, permanently
The Canadian province of British Columbia has banned grizzly bear hunting in all its forms. According to the Environment Minister, bears are worth more alive.
The Canadian province of British Columbia has banned grizzly bear hunting in all its forms. According to the Environment Minister, bears are worth more alive.
The fraud and corruption witnessed in the illegal introduction of Bt cotton in India are now being repeated with GM mustard. Farmers and our biodiversity were sacrificed for Monsanto’s profits.
The grants are destined to more than 100 organisations committed to protecting biodiversity, safeguarding indigenous people and combatting climate change.
The US Climate Science Special Report conclusively demonstrates that the climate changes we’ve been experiencing for years isn’t just a phase. The draft document was prepared by 13 federal agencies and hasn’t received US President Donald Trump’s approval for official publication but was uploaded to a nonprofit internet digital library in January and recently published by
Amidst the determined push by biotech lobbies to impose genetically modified (GM) mustard in India, civil society movements and farmers’ organisations are once again doing battle to oppose this new product of genetic engineering. If approved, this would become India’s first GM food crop, which poses grave health and environmental risks. The release of GM mustard would threaten farmers’
Lo scorso anno oltre duecento ambientalisti, quasi quattro ogni settimana, sono stati assassinati in tutto il mondo. Lo rivela il nuovo rapporto di Global Witness.
Papa Francesco ha ricevuto Donald Trump in Vaticano. Dopo un colloquio di 30 minuti gli ha regalato l’enciclica sull’ambiente, sulla cura della casa comune.
Come nei ruoli che interpreta, anche nella vita ha più e più volti. C’è il grande attore, finalmente premiato con l’Oscar. Quello delle modelle bionde. E quello impegnato per salvare il mondo. Ecco le tappe più belle della sua vita di ambientalista.
A more relaxed Barack Obama (than the one who tried in vain to bring Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton to win the US presidential election last autumn) got up on the stage of the Future Room at the Seeds&Chips Summit in Milan, Italy, to talk about food, innovation and especially climate – the link of the
Environmentalists and activists from all over the United States rallied on the 29th of April for the People’s Climate March in Washington DC and in sister marches organised throughout the nation. Last week, the country’s capital welcomed the March for Science and Earth Day rally but organisers say the People’s March was more overtly political, aimed