A fistful of dollars for a never-ending environmental disaster

A fistful of dollars for a never-ending environmental disaster

After more than 5 years from the environmental disaster of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, on 20 April 2010, Gulf of Mexico, the British Petroleum (BP) agreed to pay a penalty of 18.7 billion dollars in order to end once for all the legal action the United States and other federal states took after the worst

Pope Francis’ environment encyclical: “Humans must change their lifestyle”

Pope Francis’ environment encyclical: “Humans must change their lifestyle”

The awaited Pope Francis’ environment encyclical, probably the most expected in the recent history as to be searched, found and published in advance, has finally been officially presented. In the text, the Holy Father makes a plea to protect “our common home”, by combating climate change and other environmental damages, as well as by changing our development