On 12 February we celebrate evolution and science. It’s Darwin Day
La giornata, in ricordo del padre dell’evoluzione, evidenzia l’importanza dei valori della ricerca scientifica e del pensiero razionale.
La giornata, in ricordo del padre dell’evoluzione, evidenzia l’importanza dei valori della ricerca scientifica e del pensiero razionale.
In the south western part of the island, the province of Barahona, a biodiversity heritage site, has become one of the Caribbean’s most picturesque eco-friendly destinations.
La nave di Sea Shepherd sosterà a Venezia dall’1 al 7 febbraio, sarà possibile visitarla, conoscere l’equipaggio e sostenere l’organizzazione che protegge la fauna marina del pianeta.
Artist Laurie Anderson plays the violin in a concert meant to be exclusively appreciated by her four-legged friends.
The latest study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation reveals that there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050.
While most species of large whales are recovering from the collapse caused by commercial exploitation in the past two centuries, some populations are still struggling. A recent report, authored by experts of the Marine Mammal Commission in the U.S., reviews their status and highlights the main threats that these giants of the oceans are currently
An apocalyptic scenario: tens of thousands of dead Humboldt squids (Dosidicus gigas) have been washed up on the shores of Santa Maria Island in Chile over the past week. However, scientists still ignore the causes of this mysterious mass die-off. The mass deaths of these large cephalopods may have been caused to increased sea
From the film The Cove against dolphin killings in Japan to the hymn of the movement against cetacean hunting practices: David Bowie was (also) an animal-rights hero.
Nel Kruger National Park due cacciatori sono morti in uno scontro a fuoco con i ranger del parco.
Dopo oltre 20 anni la polizia ha debellato il mercato Bellavista, uno dei principali centri del commercio di animali protetti del paese.