After the tallest skyscraper in the world, Dubai aims for sustainability at Expo 2020

Located on the banks of the Persian Gulf, Dubai is one of the seven United Arab Emirates. This city, renowned for its magnificent skyscrapers, including Burj Khalifa, the tallest man-made structure in the world, is changing course and becoming one of the most sustainable cities in the world as it prepares to be the host

Located on the banks of the Persian Gulf, Dubai is one of the seven United Arab Emirates. This city, renowned for its magnificent skyscrapers, including Burj Khalifa, the tallest man-made structure in the world, is changing course and becoming one of the most sustainable cities in the world as it prepares to be the host of Expo 2020.




According to estimates, in 2016 in Dubai, an urban centre of 800 hectares with solar panels and green roofs will be built with recycled materials and provided with integrated systems of water reclamation. Therefore, by cutting down energy consumption by 20 percent, on the occasion of the 2020 Universal Exhibition, Dubai will become one the most sustainable cities in the world.




Exactly under the sign of energy saving the Dubai Sustainable City project, that aims to build sustainable homes, a photovoltaic system composed of 600 thousands solar panels, and a smart water recycling system, has been approved with the objective to provide residences with 60 percent of energy needed for air-conditioning and reduce water consumption by 30 percent.




In this way, the United Arab Emirates’ identity will be exalted by a strategic planning that will lead the host city of Expo 2020 to a sustainable economic development that will make it competitive in the International stage.

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