Climate is changing and so is our food
La Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione 2016 è dedicata al terribile impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla nostra sicurezza alimentare.
La Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione 2016 è dedicata al terribile impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla nostra sicurezza alimentare.
Orange peels and avocado skins have been used to create a cheap, natural and super-absorbent material. Kiara Nirghin, 16-year-old South African girl of Indian origin, has developed a polymer made of polysaccharides from food scraps that can hold water more than 100 times their weight. Combatting drought in South Africa In 2016 South Africa
By a vote of 610 in favour to 38 against, with 31 abstentions, the European Parliament has approved the ratification of the Paris Agreement on the 4th of October. With the European Union’s ratification, the Paris Agreement can now enter into force, given that the 55 per cent emission threshold has been crossed and at
Before the flood è incentrato sulla più grande minaccia che il nostro pianeta si trova a dover fronteggiare: i cambiamenti climatici.
Governor of California Jerry Brown has signed a bill that renews the State’s efforts to fight climate change.
NASA’s analysis confirms the latest trends. August 2016 sets a new monthly record in high temperatures, continuing a streak of 11 consecutive months.
The inhabitants of Shishmaref, a small village in the heart of Alaska, have decided to relocate their town due to rising sea levels.
Il mese di giugno di quest’anno ha fatto registrare nuovamente un caldo record a livello mondiale, secondo i dati pubblicati dalla Noaa.
L’isola di Jean Charles, a causa dell’aumento dei livelli del mare, è ormai quasi completamente inghiottita dalle acque. La piccola comunità che ci vive è costretta ad abbandonarla.
The Bramble Cay melomys was the only mammal endemic to the Great Barrier Reef. The rodent has gone extinct because of rising sea levels.