Papa New Guinea is devastated by drought
Il fenomeno El Niño, eccezionalmente intenso, ha provocato gravi danni alle colture. I contadini sono arrivati a mangiare argilla e funghi tossici pur di nutrirsi.
Il fenomeno El Niño, eccezionalmente intenso, ha provocato gravi danni alle colture. I contadini sono arrivati a mangiare argilla e funghi tossici pur di nutrirsi.
I paesi che compongono il “Climate Vulnerable Forum” si sono riuniti alla Cop 21. Lanciando al pianeta un monito: alziamo l’asticella o sarà la catastrofe.
Secondo uno studio condotto da Chatham House e dall’Università di Glasgow le persone sarebbero propense a ridurre il consumo di carne per motivi di salute e per ridurre l’impatto ambientale.
COP21 has begun and over 100 leaders from all over the world have met at Le Bourget, Paris, to bring their enthusiasm and their pledges to reduce CO2 emissions, in preparation for a landmark, binding deal. Once again, the speech that hit the nail on the head the most has been delivered by Barack Obama. He
Le centrali a carbone inglesi saranno dismesse entro il 2025, per far posto a quelle a gas, ma anche al nucleare. Una vittoria a metà.
Un reportage del New York Times ha raccontato il lavoro di un team di ricercatori impegnati a studiare l’allarmante scioglimento dei ghiacci della Groenlandia.
Brazil and the United States have reached an historic agreement to put climate change at the top of their governments’ agenda. The meeting between the US President Barack Obama and the Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff resulted in the pledge to increase the renewable electricity production by 20% of the total requirements by 2030.
A report shows how Europe and US mainstream media coverage of climate change is scarce, incomplete and does not give voice to the victims
The status of refugees should be updated to include all those people who are forced to migrate because of climate change.
The year was 1992, and the world was beginning to see global warming as a serious threat. Below we recount the history of the UNFCCC Conferences of the Parties (COPs), without forgetting those who haven’t lost hope that even the staunchest climate change deniers can change their minds.