Emanuele Rigitano


All articles - 7
Afghani girls skateboard to empowerment

Afghani girls skateboard to empowerment

Skateboarding will improve female condition in Afghanistan, thanks to the labour of the non-profit organisation Skateistan, founded in 2007 by the skater Oliver Percovich. It is a project that allows young Afghani girls practicing this sport, having fun, and studying, together with boys.   It is a possibility often denied to many children coming from poor families,

Cycling to work is fun, even during winter

Cycling to work is fun, even during winter

Bike to work is an expression we got used to thanks to the increasing number of people using bikes to get to work, especially during spring and summer, while in winter they are a bit lazier. Winter Bike to work  was created with the aim of proving that biking in winter, even when it is snowing, is not a problem at

Cycle superhighway in the middle of a motorway

Cycle superhighway in the middle of a motorway

The opportunity of building cycle superhighways, as the one planned for London, has been recently discussed and they will likely be a future trend. However, in South Korea, a cycle superhighway has been built in the middle of a motorway   About 30 km long, the route links Daejeon (South Korea’s fifth largest metropolis) with

ECC2015: Ride a bike and improve cycling mobility

ECC2015: Ride a bike and improve cycling mobility

Cyclists from 39 European cities are ready to ride at 2015 European Cycling Challenge (ECC2015). Throughout May, urban teams will take part to the challenge, using bicycles as exclusive mean of transport.   You can join ECC2015 until 31 May, even as subteams (companies, schools, groups) and all kinds of bicycles are allowed, such as owned or rented

Life Paint: the glow-in-the-dark spray that saves cyclists’ lives

Life Paint: the glow-in-the-dark spray that saves cyclists’ lives

The fear of being involved in an accident when riding bicycles is linked to low visibility at night. The problem often arises from drivers’ lack of attention or their unsafe driving style.   Products that enhance visibility can help night-time cyclists defend themselves against cars, when riding home on city streets after dark. Reflective and

Cyclists in Amsterdam will park their bikes… Under water

Cyclists in Amsterdam will park their bikes… Under water

While some big cities face the problem of car parking, in Amsterdam cyclists risk to be late at work because they can’t find a place to lock their bikes. This is a good news for those supporting sustainable mobility, such as LifeGate, though many people living in the capital of the Netherland will not be

5 SmartDriving Apps

5 SmartDriving Apps

The spread of smartphones apps has allowed for the development of useful software to help us while driving: allowing us to avoid traffic congestion, reduce pollution, make smart choices in every moment of urban life and save money. 5 SmartDriving apps that will change your life on the road.   Waze www.waze.com This is the